The Practice of Compassion in Taiwan
So many foreign visitors in Taiwan are in awe of their experience of kindness and hospitality of the people. As a missioner living in Taiwan for 12 years now, here are some examples of this compassion…
A client’s story: She was sleeping for three days in the park. It was pouring rain, suddenly a young woman came to give her a new umbrella and some bread. Another woman helped her make some money for food, by letting her help distribute ad materials from the woman’s work. That was how she endured living for two months in the park.
I remembered when my friends and I were starting to help homeless men and women, we distribute box lunches openly in one of the parks. Several times, after we finished distributing food, there were individuals who would come up to us and donate money for the next food distribution. Some fruit vendors also began to bring their fruits for us to distribute to the homeless people for free.
One day, a woman came did not even want us to let us know her name dropped off a huge bag of vegetable in front of the center. She still comes occasionally.
A Buddhist friend helped the women center find a sponsor from the market. This family sells fresh vegetables and fruits. They give us all kinds of fresh vegetables every week, enough for our weekly consumption at the women center. They do not give us old vegetables.
When Good Samaritan Center started in 2003, we could not afford to buy new furniture and fixtures. Words spread and so many people cleaned up their homes and brought all kinds of stuff that we can use at the center. These goods such as water heaters, blankets, tables, chairs, among many things, were still good and usable.
A woman neighbor who lives next door to the women center, one day came to me while I was watering the plants in front of the center. She said, “Sister, I will give you two baby plants I planted for you. One day you told me you liked this flower very much.” It was a red hibiscus plants. I almost cried when I looked at her, she is not even a Christian, she barely knew me and yet she took so much effort to give me this gift. Now, I have the plants in my apartment’s little garden --- blooming!