This morning, I drove the car to pick up our weekly vegetable donations. When I arrived, it was a little early and the vegetables were not ready. Mrs. Liao [陳瑺玲] kept on apologizing and told me she is waiting for her husband, Mr. Liao[廖學正]. He said he forgot to prepare our vegetable because today there were about three organizations who also came to get vegetable donations. Not too long, Mr. Liao came, hurrying and apologizing that he was not ready with the vegetables. He started to pick up different kinds of vegetables, weighed and listed them. As I was waiting, me and Mrs. Liao helped bagged the vegetables. When he finished, I had four huge bags filled with different vegetables to take back to the center. While waiting, I told Mr. Liao that I am very grateful for the help they give us.
Mr. and Mrs. Liao are very devout Buddhists and were introduced to us by Mr. Wu [吳平常]。They have been donating fresh vegetables to us for more than four years now.
I asked if I could take a photo of both of them and they happily said yes. Mr. Liao explained to me that they are a small group of individuals who want to help homeless people by contributing a small amount of money to buy vegetables for donation. He showed me the names of the contributors. I was so impressed how they thought of contributing this way. The donors put together money and give it to Mr. &Mrs. Liao to give the equivalent vegetables to the organizations helping homeless people. They are not only helping the homeless but also helping Mr. and Mrs. Liao to continue with their small business by giving them regular sales. The donated vegetables are weighed and listed for record and they report the donation to the original money donors. What a wise way of giving to the society. Helping the homeless and the small business people in a very responsible way.