耶穌 The Jesus Code
Mission Talk – 17th Sun Reading 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15
God takes care of his people. That is the message coming across loud and clear in today’s readings. He feeds them not only with material food ("not on bread alone…") but with everything they need for a fully human life lived in close union with God, the Source and Goal of all life. Eleven years ago, I was sent to Taiwan for my first overseas mission. After two years of Taiwanese language studies, I began to journey with women and men who ended up living in the streets of Taichung City. Just like Jesus asked when he saw so many people following him, tired and hungry, “where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”, I also asked, “what could possibly done to help the homeless women out of the streets? Where will I get the resources to start a safe place/refuge for them?”
Six years ago, with an initial funding from the United States, the establishment of Good Samaritan Women Center in Taichung, the only all women homeless shelter in Taiwan. During these years the center served more than 200 women. Women came and received services ranging from day shelter where they can come have a shower, do laundry, served meals, and rest for the day. At night, it serves as a 10-bed temporary residency for women who join our 3-month program which help them be reintegrated to a more humane life. Find a regular work and eventually move to her living space. We help one homeless woman at a time. The women are helped to design their own plan of action to change their lives. The task is not easy for the women, neither with our staff and volunteers but we do our best to help each other. I am here to thank you for supporting Maryknoll Sisters and our ministry overseas. Please know that every cent you give goes a long way to improve the lives of those whom we choose to journey on the edge of our societies.
Just like the boy who was found with five small barley loaves and two small fish, who shared what he had so that the crowd was able to eat. I also would like to ask you to help us Maryknoll Sisters, so we can continue serving our brothers and sisters who are in need.
(Alternate ending)When I learned the Chinese characters, the first thing I asked my teacher is to teach me how to write Jesus in Chinese. She showed me and then I found myself asking her to explain to me what is the meaning of the characters. She was surprised and told me, “no one have ever asked me this question”. The next day, she explained to me,
[耶 ] Ye – is composed of 2 characters for ears , for listening;
[穌] Su – is composed of 2 characters for “grains” and “fish” – food – bread, rice, bean and fish.
God, Jesus symbolizes a God who listens and a God who comes in the form of the bread of life, one who extinguishes our hunger. Many homeless people experiences hunger…for food, but for most, hunger to love and be loved, a hunger to be live a more humane life. Someday we can all sit down on the grass and everyone will have their fill. The choice depends to us. Thank you.
Six years ago, with an initial funding from the United States, the establishment of Good Samaritan Women Center in Taichung, the only all women homeless shelter in Taiwan. During these years the center served more than 200 women. Women came and received services ranging from day shelter where they can come have a shower, do laundry, served meals, and rest for the day. At night, it serves as a 10-bed temporary residency for women who join our 3-month program which help them be reintegrated to a more humane life. Find a regular work and eventually move to her living space. We help one homeless woman at a time. The women are helped to design their own plan of action to change their lives. The task is not easy for the women, neither with our staff and volunteers but we do our best to help each other. I am here to thank you for supporting Maryknoll Sisters and our ministry overseas. Please know that every cent you give goes a long way to improve the lives of those whom we choose to journey on the edge of our societies.
Just like the boy who was found with five small barley loaves and two small fish, who shared what he had so that the crowd was able to eat. I also would like to ask you to help us Maryknoll Sisters, so we can continue serving our brothers and sisters who are in need.
(Alternate ending)When I learned the Chinese characters, the first thing I asked my teacher is to teach me how to write Jesus in Chinese. She showed me and then I found myself asking her to explain to me what is the meaning of the characters. She was surprised and told me, “no one have ever asked me this question”. The next day, she explained to me,
[耶 ] Ye – is composed of 2 characters for ears , for listening;
[穌] Su – is composed of 2 characters for “grains” and “fish” – food – bread, rice, bean and fish.
God, Jesus symbolizes a God who listens and a God who comes in the form of the bread of life, one who extinguishes our hunger. Many homeless people experiences hunger…for food, but for most, hunger to love and be loved, a hunger to be live a more humane life. Someday we can all sit down on the grass and everyone will have their fill. The choice depends to us. Thank you.
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